5 Unique Road Trips from Crete, Greece

Crete is a beautiful island in Greece that has so many hidden gems to explore. The best way to tour around this beautiful place is to opt for a car rental in Crete. By choosing a car rental service, you can save yourself from the hassle of catching a public commute now and then. You don’t haveContinue reading “5 Unique Road Trips from Crete, Greece”

7 Guidelines to Choose a Car Rental at Heraklion Airport

Right after landing at Heraklion airport, the next thing that any person would do is to rent a car or find a taxi. Renting a car at the airport is more convenient than hiring a cab, for apparent reasons. But before relying on any Heraklion airport car rental service, there are a few things thatContinue reading “7 Guidelines to Choose a Car Rental at Heraklion Airport”